


Admittedly, it's still quite lacking, and since each image is supposed to lead to it's own showcase page in the future, it's also very incomplete. I just wanted to get this update out of the way before the cold dark hands of the student life drag me into it's murky depths. This way, I can make smaller scale updates, like populating the writing page, or making a shrine page for a specific fandom. Easy things.

I should probably also set up an RSS. Right. That it something I am supposed to be doing. Yay.

I've been having so much fun just surfing the neocities pages. I've also found a few webrings I would love to join! Maybe I can display them on the links page? Since there really isn't much space on the home page...

One of the subjects I'm going to be learning this semester is Discrete Mathematics. I heard it was hard. I really hope it isn't hard. The best I ever did on maths was a B grade.

17 August 2024
#update #shrine

Future Prospects.

So, apparently I'm just dumb. The scroll property works, it just took neocities a while to update it...

I changed the link wall and added a page nav, and moved my tamaNOTchi there. I also added some tags, and got myself a slightly better button!!! And a very cute blinkie that I had been planning on for so long!! Please use it. Please. I would love to see it be used!

My semester is starting soon, so I want to be a responsible person and say that I can't update this regularly anymore, but let's face it, I will procrastinate so hard I'd probably end up with a completly new website before my first week ends.

I'm a bit worried though, because I failed some subjects last semester, and I can't retake them yet. It's constantly haunting me. But it'll be fiiinee!!

... Right?

I already have some ideas on how the shrine page will be structured... But I don't know what I'm gonna do, so you can look forward to that!!

Ya know? Something about making this website made me realize... I can say whatever I want!! Which means!!! I can info dump on all my favorite characters and novels all I want!!!! And no one can leave!!!! Yay!!!

11 August 2024
#update #progress

Link Wall Makes An Appearance!!

You heard it right, folks! The famed wall of buttons and blinkies has made it's debut!! It's quite sparse since I haven't really gotten many yet, especialy the blinkies, but it works!!! I also have my own button!!! It's.... functional!!! Yep!!

Don't be scared! Link my site! It won't hurt you!

Special thanks to hillhouse for providing the autoload script for the navigation so that it would be consistent among all pages. I was actually trying so hard to find a solution to that.

Apparently the css property for scroll-behaviour: smooth; doesn't work??? That's so annoying. It works locally, but nowhere else. Is there an alternative? Guess I'll just have to find out somehow...

As for general updates, the one page not made right now is the shrine, so that's going to be next. What to put first though.... I've seen so many cool shrines to all my favorite pieces of media already....

Maybe something along the lines of a wiki or a showcase. Lord knows I'm always trying to get the timelines right.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. The admission fee will be $1000. Pay up.

09 August 2024
#update #linkwall

Changes To Writing Page, Small Features.

I populated the writing page. It took so long because I was looking for a place to host the stories themselves, then just looped back straight to AO3. It's not really a place for original works, but since I have some very minor place on writing fanfictions anyways, I still plan on doing so.

Only One-Shots are available, and even then, I didn't get around to posting everything, so there's only four available, but I will be updating that later when I have more motivation.

The Guestbook works now! Yayy!!! It didn't take so long to set up, thankfully.

Changed the back to top button to an actual button that's fixed to the bottom right of the page.

Visitor Count!! And Online Count!!! They can both be found at the bottom of this page, above the button sliders. Maybe I'll move it someday.

I don't think there's anything more to say? I spent the majority of the day going on several sidequests when all I wanted to do was to update the Writing page. I think I'll take a break from that and make the Link Wall, finally. I have some button and blinky ideas so, that's something to look forward to!

07 August 2024
#update #writing #progress

New Pages!!

I made a new page!! It's filled with CONTENT!!!! Non-existent content, but it's there!!!!

There's the non-existent shrine and link wall pages meant to be populated later, but the star of the show is the writing page, where there is a giant block of lorem ipsum so that I could get a visual!

I also separated the navigation links from the profile block. It's something I wanted to do before, but it became a necessity after I changed the buttons and made them look wonky on mobile. RESPONSIVENESS FOR THE WIN!

I spent such an insanely long time trying to make the sticky sidebar to still work, I am so dumb. The fix was so simple and I spent an hour trying to find it. I want to cry.

But it's done!! And now I can goof off and start populating the shrines or something. I already have so many things planned....

Is it really a requirement to have an RSS feed? Like, I know it's easier, but it seems kinda hard to implement?? Hm. I'll just put that into my to-do for now- OHMYGOD I FORGOT ABOUT THE GUESTBOOK AAAAGHHH I WAS GOING TO DO THAT TODAY!!! FUUUUU-

06 August 2024
#update #progress

Second Impressions.

I made an infinitely scrolling button slider!!!! Well, made is a strong word. I mostly just copied over and changed a bit of LunDev's code to make it fit the mobile versions better.

The background is still a bit... meh, but only when you're veiwing this on a gigantic screen (to which, my condolences), would the textures look kinda odd since they (annoyingly, irritatingly) don't match up very well, but my stubborn idiotic self likes it a bit too much to change it. Hopefully, the universe will be kind to me and lets me find a better, cuter alternative.

For prosperities sake!

05 August 2024
#update #funnn!!

First Impressions!

This website is the Notebook template made by Kalechips!! It's really cute and easy to use, and the only thing limiting me right now is my own CSS skills! I hope to make this a very cute website in the near future!!

I hope I can live up to this beauty of a template...

This website is currently under construction as we speak.

04 August 2024